building a house permit application help

Break Ground On Your New House FAST! Complete Your Permit Applications In Record Time and Get Them Approved!


You’re building a house, you’re on a budget, and you’re trying to think of every possible way to save money.
Maybe you’ve decided you’re going to be your own general contractor.
You’re going to get all of your permits on your own, but you don’t have a lot of extra time. Perhaps you have a family, plus a full time job you can’t avoid.
Maybe you’ve even started looking at the permit applications, but you get overwhelmed, and put them off to think about them some more before you really get started.


What if someone handed you all of their complete, approved, permit applications, their maps, plans, schedules, etc. for you to reference for your applications?

THAT is what I have for you.


A Complete Guide To Getting Your New Construction Permits as an Owner-Builder. You will get a PDF filled with copies of everything we submitted with our permit applications, and the completed applications themselves, that were approved

Why Do You Need This Guide?

  • SAVES YOU TIME filling out all of your permit applications.
  • These are our APPROVED PERMIT APPLICATIONS. Use it as a reference for filling out yours!
  • It shows you what the townships are looking for in a permit application.
  • The quicker you get your permits, the quicker you break ground!
If a document like this was available when I was trying to fill out our permit applications, I would have given anything for it. The amount of time I poured into these applications, wracking my brain, overthinking everything, is crazy. It took time away from my husband, my kids, made it hard to enjoy the holidays, etc. etc. I just wanted it to be over.
owner-builders permit application guide

Get our complete guide to filling out all permit applications to get your permit for building a house.


Although each state, county, and township will have their own building permit requirements, there will be similarities. Just because you live in another state, doesn’t mean your jurisdiction is looking for something completely different. This document is simply to be used as a reference, and having the information in it can do nothing more than benefit you in completing yours!
Nothing is more frustrating than getting stuck in paperwork when all you want to do is build your new house. Getting your permit applications done is time consuming. And when it’s something you don’t do every day, it can be even more stressful.

You sit there wondering:

What answer are they looking for….
…how do I draw a soil map….
…where am I supposed to put a silt fence…

…where do I even start on this SESC Maintenance Schedule?!…
…and the list goes on!

Here's What You Will Get In Our Guide

I am giving you our complete, approved building permit application that includes:
  • Plot Plan
  • On-Site Septic/Tap-In Permit Application
  • Water Well Permit Application
  • Driveway Permit Application
  • Soil Erosion Permit Application
  • Energy Efficiency Calculations Certificate


owner-builder well permit

Plot Plan of Water Well Permit Application

Check marks are from the county sanitarian indicating what he was looking for when reading our plan.

soil erosion permit outline

Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Permit Application Tips

With each permit application I've outlined notes on why we filled it out the way we did. I've provided tips for what was especially important in getting approval, along with key things to keep in mind.


We just built our home as owner-builders, and boy, was it an experience. When I say that every day brought something new, I am not kidding you.
To get the project kicked off, I had to figure out how to get a building permit. Once I found out how to get the building permit, I also learned that I had to get about 6 other permits before I could submit the actual building permit. Ugh.
It’s not that it’s hard. It’s just time consuming. And when you don’t have a clue what you’re doing, it takes even longer, and brings on a lot of stress. Thankfully, I was given a binder from a family member who saved every paper from when she built a barn…even the applications for permits. SCORE. I copied what she put on the applications…of course making it applicable to our new build. My headache immediately went away.
After going through that, I am giving you our full, approved owner-builders permit applications and attachments. It will save you a sh*tload of time.
Granted, as I mentioned earlier, each state/county/township will have their own requirements and applications, but use this as a general guide as to what they may be looking for. Especially for plot plans, schedules, and soil erosion maps. These are what really put me at a stand-still.
I spent so much time googling, trying to find sample permit applications just so I could see what other people wrote for certain questions. I wish I had found something like this guide when I was going through the permit application process. My hope is that it helps you as much as I intend it to and gets you to break ground on your new home quickly!
owner-builders permit application guide

Get our complete guide to filling out all permit applications to get your permit for building a house.


If you’re still early on in the building process, take a look at a few posts for ideas on floor plans and things you may not have thought to include: