Have you looked at floor plan after floor plan for your new house?

Before you give your builder the final go-ahead, take a look at this must-see guide for picking the perfect floor plan! I’ve compiled a list of 30 major things you need to think about when selecting your floor plan.

The perfect floor plan is in the details.

After looking through hundreds of floor plans, I was starting to second guess everything. It gets overwhelming! But the biggest thing is you need to keep in mind your family’s lifestyle – and we will get into that in my free guide.

There’s a chance there’s at least one thing in this guide you didn’t think of. Maybe it won’t affect your floor plan design, but maybe it will! If you’re spending all the time and money building your perfect home, you might as well get as many ideas as you can.

Especially when they’re FREE.

In this FREE floor plan guide, you will get:

» Recommendations for EACH ROOM in your home

» What to consider when deciding where to place your house on your lot

» How to build your home so it’s setup to accommodate your future plans


This list includes things I’m glad I thought to ask myself when building our house, AND things I wish I would have thought about. Once you’re moved in, there isn’t anything you can do about your floor plan. Now is the time to think through as many scenarios as you can.

Take advantage of all the free resources out there to help you make the best decisions you can.

This is your new home, make it fit your lifestyle.