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Create an easy faux wood door for just $12! Read more to learn how!
After being in our new house for 2 months, I finally tackled the front door. You’d think that’d be the first thing I did, but I was so overwhelmed with what type of paint or stain to use, I kept putting it off. We have a fiberglass door, but I wanted it to look like wood. Finally, I asked someone at Menards and they directed me to the gel stain aisle. I had never heard of gel stain before, but turns out it makes any door look like wood. (And this is why you ask for help the first time). I ultimately chose this Since the first coat had some lighter patches I applied a second coat. Here is the finished product: The best part is this stain goes a long way. I only bought a 1/2 pint and still have a lot left over even after 2 coats. $12 for a faux wood door! I’d call that a total win. Are you still in the beginning phases of building your house? Check out my post about major things to consider before finalizing your house plan. Read more here >> Subscribe below to get the latest home tips and tricks right to your email!